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The New Testament Challenge-Why Am I Doing This?

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I figured I should give you guys a heads-up on what this blog will be about. On July 16, 2012, I took the challenge to read the entire New Testament, one chapter each day until Easter Sunday 2013. My purpose for this blog is to keep you guys updated on my progress through the New Testament and share my thoughts on the chapters I read. This blog will also be a sort of accountability for me, a reinforcement and reminder for me to continue reading. I've tried challenges like this before, but never really told anyone about them. Without writing or updating my progress, I'd give up quite easily. I hope that this blog will keep me current on reading the Word and maybe complete the challenge. I'm so excited to start, and hope that you will enjoy reading my take on each chapter and that maybe you too will join me in taking this challenge!

I, Grace Postorino, commit to complete the New Testament challenge, starting July 16, 2012, and ending Easter Sunday 2013.

When I complete this challenge, we will have see where I go in the Word next! Are you ready? Let's go! :)


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