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Day 1-Matthew 1

Well hello again! I haven't posted for a while, sorry! I just wanted to say that today starts another year of the New Testament Challenge! That's right, from today until Easter Sunday I plan to commit to reading one chapter of the New Testament each day. And hopefully this year I can keep up and maybe stay up to date with my posts here! It's going to be a struggle, I already know that! But I pray that God would give me the desire to continue on with this and that I can make it through all the way this time!

I would like to ask you, readers, to pray for me as I begin this journey through Scripture. I can already see it will be a struggle to stay focused and keep the desire to press on to the end. I know there will be roadblocks and distractions ahead, but I pray that my eyes would be focused on Christ as I begin this journey and I ask that you would pray for me as I seek Him in this adventure.

So today is a step onto a new path, a new time of discovery. I hope that you will join me on this journey and will read along with me. Today, August 4, starts in Matthew 1. If you miss a day, read two chapters the next day. Distractions come along, and it is easy to miss a chapter or two. I encourage you, and remind myself, to not let this hinder you from continuing. Catch up if you fall behind, or if you miss too many jump ahead to where we are and begin again. God's got some amazing things He wants to uncover through His Word, and I am thrilled to begin discovering what He has in store for me!


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