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Stressed Out? Go to God!

Tonight I just wanted to share a quick bit of encouragement. I know for several students, myself included, finals week is coming fast! Classes are wrapping up, and there are tests, papers, and projects due in the next week. I don't know about you, but it's a little stressful! Add packing up to move out to the mix, and it becomes a nightmare to think about! EEK! But something I was reminded of today is that I need to keep my focus on God, because He will get me through!

Isaiah 40:29 says, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Great encouragement, right? I thought it was a good reminder as I finish writing a final paper!

I was reading 'Jesus Calling' today, and the little devotional once again fit exactly what I was going through today. It says:

"Make Me your focal point as you move through this day. Just as a spinning ballerina must keep returning her eyes to a given point to maintain her balance, so you must keep returning your focus to Me. Circumstances are in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around you. The only way to keep your balance is to fix your eyes on Me, the One who never changes. If you gaze too long at your circumstances, you will become dizzy and confused. Look to Me, refreshing yourself in My Presence, and your steps will be steady and sure.            Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 102:27"

This was such an encouragement to me as I looked at my busy schedule for today and the rest of finals week. I was becoming so overwhelmed by all the tests and projects I had to complete, but this was such a good reminder to get my focus back on the One on whom it belongs!

If you're a student, I hope this encourages you to push through finals and finish the semester strong! If you're not a student, this reminder to gaze at Christ continually is always a good reminder! :)


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